Provider Setup

Navigation: Admin > Provider Setup > Select a Provider.

This area of Client Admin allows the user to maintain various client-specific details for their service provider base.

Provider details can be defined and updated throughout six tabs on the Provider Setup Options screen: Provider Details, Compliance Details, Insurance Details, Documents, Refrigerant Charges, and ERM View Settings.

The Provider Details tab will load with any existing details linked to the provider. Fields that are free text fields may be amended by adding or typing over existing details, while dropdown fields may be amended by selecting a different option in the menu. After making any changes, the user may select the "Save" button at the bottom to keep any amendments they made.

Field Name


Vendor Number

Optional free text field. Vendor reference number of the provider for external references across all of their systems.

Note: A setting exists in Legacy Settings to control multiple service providers sharing a vendor number.

Site Supplier ID Optional free text field. Client unique reference number
Manual Review Level

Optional dropdown field. User may select Manual Review Level name from client-defined list

Manual Review Levels are defined by name of level and by percentage of would-be auto-approved WOs to be stopped for random review.

For example, a Manual Review Level could be set with the name level "Gold" and a percentage of 10. This means that 10% of successful work orders, such as WOs that would be auto-approved, instead have a chance to be stopped for random review by the the client.

EAP Required dropdown field with Yes or No option; Determines whether or not the provider will show up in the vendor choosers in EAP
Allow Inventory Required dropdown field

Required dropdown field. Determines whether or not the provider record is active for the client.

Note: If a service provider is inactivated, all associations and configurations will still exist for if the service provider is to become active again at another point.

Preferred Contact Method Optional dropdown field. Options of Fax, E-mail, Phone, or Dispatch Schedule - should match the global "Preferred Contact Method" set up in Provider Site Profile
Dispatch Schedule

Optional dropdown field. Client-defined options based on dispatch types of Phone, Email, Fax, and Automatic

Client-defined options are defined in the Dispatch Schedules section of Client Admin. These Schedule Names will appear in the Dispatch Schedule dropdown.

Dispatch Email Free text field that appears after Dispatch Schedule option is selected; Email address to which Dispatch Email is to be sent
COMP Payment Status

Required dropdown field; Options of "1st Level Invoice Approval (where a Self-billing Agreement is in place)" or "Provider Review"

This field determines whether or not when a Comprehensive Contract payment (for either a PPM or regular COMP contract) is created it will automatically be sent to 1st Level Invoice Approval or to Provider Review.

Allow Webservices Access

Required dropdown field with Yes or No option; Determines whether or not web service access is allowed

In order to allow web service access, functionality needs to be turned on by client here as well.
Allow Override of Event Date for ActionWorkOrders

Required dropdown field that appears if Yes is selected for Allow Webservices Access field. Determines whether or not users will allow for historical transactions to occur

If No: ActionWorkOrders Event Date says work was performed exactly at the time the request was sent

Technical Skill Level Billing

Required dropdown field with Yes or No option; Determines whether or not the client will bill at one rate or at different levels for the provider

If Yes: When filling out contracts, users on the roster are able to be set up by one of up to three different skill levels (beneath Contract Charges tab)

If No: Everyone is billed on a standard bill rate 

CPPM Linked WO Invoice Setting

Required dropdown field; Options of "All linked work orders must be closed," "All primary linked work orders must be closed," or "Ignore linked work orders"

In order to invoice the CPPM, all linked work orders must be closed.In order to invoice the CPPM, all primary linked work orders must be closed.OR Ignore linked work orders when invoicing CPPMs.

Quote Provider

Required dropdown field with Yes or No option; Determines whether or not client sees providers that are set up as quote providers

Field functions as a filter. Quotes can still be distributed to non-quote providers if this Quote Provider field is set to No

Allow Provider To See Comp Costs Required dropdown field with Yes or No option. Determines whether or not providers will see costs appear on the contract
Tax Point Date (After 14 Days)

Required dropdown field. Options of "Job Completion Date" or "Invoice Submission Date"

If Job Completion Date - the Tax Point Date will be the Invoice Submission Date if that date is within 14 days of Job Complete; otherwise will be Job Complete date

If Invoice Submission Date - Tax Point Date will always be the Invoice Submission Date

Note: Invoice Date Logic is a client configurable setting and can be set by a Verisae representative.

Internal providers will have a few additional fields in the Provider Details tab:

Field Description
Use Alternate Internal Work Flow

Required dropdown field with Yes or No option

If Yes: When a WO is Job Completed (and Manager Review has also been completed), the system will automatically submit the invoice with whatever cost the invoice has (generally a $0 WO because it is internal)

Use Log Hours

Required dropdown field with Yes or No option; Kiosk configuration that determines whether or not the user will use Start/Pause/Complete functionality or define a start/end date when starting, pausing, or completing work.

Enforce Log Hours to Complete

Required dropdown field with Yes or No option. Field appears if user selects Yes from the Use Log Hours dropdown

Kiosk Job Complete Behavior

Required dropdown field. Options of "Work Log" or "Log Out Technician"

This dropdown determines whether the internal technician will be sent back to the Work Log or logged out of Kiosk after work has been completed.

Allow update of WO at other sites Required dropdown field with Yes or No option; Kiosk configuration that determines if updates to WOs can be controlled from the All WOs section (for providers that are role-configured to view the All WOs section)